(1.天津理工大學管理學院,天津 300384;2.亞新集團,河南 鄭州 450046)
- 文獻要素
摘要:現階段PPP項目產出績效監管尤為重要。針對私人部門為國有企業和私營企業,通過已構建的PPP項目產出績效監管框架篩選出實驗變量,繼而對變量進行情境設計,并進行問卷調查對比分析不同性質私人部門的PPP項目產出績效監管。最后,為政府部門面對不同性質私人部門類PPP項目產出績效監管提出三條優化建議。關鍵詞:PPP項目;產出績效;監管;私人部門;情境模擬實驗Abstract:At present,the regulation of output performance in PPP project is particularly important. For the private sector is state-owned and private enterprise,the paper compares the output performance regulation of PPP projects about different private sectors with the variable,which are selected according to the framework of output performance regulatory of PPP projects established,and then designed with a situation and questionnaires of each variable. Finally,puts forward three optimization suggestions for the output performance regulation measures of government departments in the face of different types private sector in PPP projects.Keywords:PPP projects;output performance;regulation;private sector;scenario simulation experiment參考文獻[1] 財政部PPP中心.“中國PPP大數據”之全國PPP綜合信息平臺項目管理庫2018年四季度季報[J].中國經濟周刊,2018(31):52-55.[2] Lee K D,Hwang E J,Yeom S H,et al. The Effect of High-speed Railway Station Facilities and Train Related Services on Customer Satisfaction:Based on KTX User Experience[J].Journal of the Korean Society for Railway,2016(3):351-362.[3] Javed A A,Lam P T I,Chan A P C. A model framework of output specifications for hospital PPP/PFI projects[J]. Facilities,2013(13/14):610-633.[4] Robinson H.S,Scott J. Service Delivery and Performance Monitoring in PFI/PPP Projects[J]. Construction Management and Economics,2009(2):181-197.[5] 王守清,劉婷.PPP項目監管:國內外經驗和政策建議[J].地方財政研究,2014(9):7-12.[6] 溫來成,劉洪芳,彭羽.政府與社會資本合作(PPP)財政風險監管問題研究[J].中央財經大學學報,2015(12):3-8.[7] 王華.PPP項目產出績效監管研究:基于國有企業與私營企業充當私人部門的對比分析[D].天津:天津理工大學,2019.[8] 柯丹.中國PPP項目效率研究:基于國有企業與私營企業充當私人部門的對比分析[D].天津:天津理工大學,2018.建筑經濟,2020(5):25-29